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jeudi 31 mars 2011
dimanche 20 mars 2011 & Berit Heggenhougen-Jensen are pleased to announce four new Art stamps & text: HAIR-EAR PROTEST: I HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE A STRANGER realized by Berit Heggenhougen-Jensen.
Grow your hair! Stay in bed! In 1969, Yoko Ono and John Lennon converted their wedding into a Hair-Peace and Bed-Peace protest, which took place in a double bed at the Hilton Hotel in Amsterdam, where they stayed for a week.
Their actions were partly a protest against the war in Vietnam, and partly a demonstration for peace and love: stay in bed instead of going to war!
Grow your hair-ears! I reiterate, in a way, in my remix drawings: HAIR-EAR PROTEST. Remix drawing because I revive a drawing that I made in 1993, shortly after I moved from Copenhagen, and continue working on it in 2010, in connection with the fact that I am moving again. But moving in another way this time. That is, I am moving from an imaginary place to another real linguistic place. I am relocating to a more linguistically pleasant place, and a place where there is room for the subject.
In these HAIR-EAR PROTEST drawings I direct my protest against both exclusion and cynicism. Protest against the distortion of history and the ways in which the subject becomes neglected; including the subject who is inscribed in the image.
Via the drawings I demonstrate in favour of a democratic society, something that can not be taken for granted. The right to be a stranger in a democracy. A place where the human subject can also exist. And by the subject I mean the subconscious speech which is structured as a language. Subconscious speech which without doubt determinates conscious speech, but without one ever realising it, in my experience.
Examples of historical distortions could be the following: if I claim that my drawings have balls. That the subject is not inscribed in the drawing. That the profiles in the drawings, subordinate to a copy scalpel, are constituted by Isabelle Adjani's nose; Beyoncé's temple, forehead and ear; Else Marie Bukdahl's ear hair; Elisabeth Roudinesco's lips and eyes; Mae West's chin; Nina Hagen's nape of the neck and eyebrow; Angelina Jolie's photogenic media profile; Lady Gaga's beauty spot; Mrs Smith's eyelashes; Gertrud Johannison's birth mark; Tina Turner's skin and breasts.
Published 15.3.2011
A. Hair without bra. edition 1890
B. Sullen armpit hair. edition 1890
C. Hair above the lip. edition 1060
D. Hair without bra. edition 1060 Englerupvej 62, Kirke Sonnerup4060 Kirke Saaby - Denmark -mail: